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Parthian Remembers Candy Royalle

In Memoriam, Poetry, Wales -

Parthian Remembers Candy Royalle

We're incredibly saddened to hear of the death of Candy Royalle, aged 37. The Lebanese-Palestinian Australian, an award-winning poet, storyteller, spoken word performer and activist, toured the UK in 2015 and delivered a blisteringly energised and powerful performance at The Cellar Bards in Cardigan, west Wales. Her passion and fiercely incisive style, twinned with her capacity to give all of herself with loving humility and generosity to her audience, made for an unforgettable evening and brought her a standing ovation. One of her pieces can be viewed here.

She was a tireless advocate for marginalised groups, especially women of ethnic minorities, and she believed passionately in the power of poetry to give a voice to those who would otherwise be silenced. This will be her legacy to the world she's left behind: her spirit living on through all the voices she helped ensure would now be listened to. 

Carly Holmes