We are pleased to announce two new titles from the Library of Wales series: Farewell Innocence (available now) and Ride the White Stallion (to be published November 2016, available for pre-order), both by William Glynne-Jones.
For Huw Lawrence, Farewell Innocence is the “bitterest coming-of-age novel you will ever read” and at the same time an essential piece of work for the new generation to understand the culture that formed the previous generation and the values held by the communities that raised us.
“Rather than dwell on stylistic imperfections we should celebrate the few voices in our literature which managed to express the humanity they saw in the grinding work and domestic penury around them.” Huw Lawrence – New Welsh Review
“Many books have been written about coal mining, but the only author I know who gives a detailed, intimate picture of a steel foundry – no less essential a part of our history than coal – is William Glynne-Jones.”Huw Lawrence – New Welsh Review
Read more on http://www.newwelshreview.com/article.php?id=1153