‘...riotous, funny and painful’ - European Literature Network on Kovalyk
"The stories in The Night Circus, Kovalyk’s third collection, are dark, graphic and restlessly odd. They are bold and experimental fiction which, at their best, read like Angela Carter’s Bloody Chamber for the Fleabag age." - New Welsh Review
Europa Carnivale series title
Creative Europe award title
Shortlisted author for Slovakia’s prestigious Anasoft Litera Award
Bibliotéka Prize winning author, 2013
I found him one morning when I went to take out the rubbish. He lay in the grass, clutching a piece of dirty plastic in his tiny baby hands.
Blending the naturalistic and the fabulistic, these elusive, delicate stories fold fable and fairy tale into the everyday, domestic settings of kitchen, garden, car. Women love, and lose, strange creatures they find by the garden gate; dream dogs are liberated from the icy prison of a fridge; bathrooms bloom into rainforests that souls can lose themselves in forever. Seemingly quotidian routines and unremarkable lives are pierced by Kovalyk’s precise, sensual prose, to reveal the magic lurking just beneath the surface of the daily skin of existence.