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The Valley, The City, The Village
Parthian Books, Literature Wales and Wales Arts Review have teamed up with Bee Books in Kolkata, India for an exciting new collaborative new literature project between Welsh and Indian writers, entitled The Valley, The City, The Village. Taking the title from Glyn Jones's classic novel The Valley, the City, the Village (part of our library of Wales series) the project will involve three writers from each country visiting India and Wales respectively, focusing on aspects of modern society referenced in the title and engaging with these through writing poetry, prose, blogs and stories. The project will further result in an anthology...
Natalie Ann Holborow launches her first book at the Kolkata Book Festival
Natalie Ann Holborow's first poetry collection And Suddenly You Find Yourself launches on Saturday at Kolkata Book Festival, the biggest book fair in the world. As part of our Wales India collaboration – Valley, City, Village – Natalie is in India for the launch, accompanied by the multi-talented artist and writer Siôn Tomos Owen and the Young People's Laureate of Wales Sophie McKeand. Siôn Tomos Owen's innovative bi-lingual collection Cawl has received rave reviews (Siôn is the presenter of the hit TV documentary programme Pobol Y Rhondda, whose second series airs in March). He will be drawing, singing and writing as part of the project. Sophie McKeand will be leading...
Enjoy a Latvian Poetry Evening in London
You are cordially invited to attend a poetry reading and short discussion on Thursday 1 December at the Latvian Embassy, 45 Nottingham Place, London, W1U 5LY, United Kingdom at 6:30pm.
In September 2016, Riga hosted a unique international project (Poetry Translation Workshop) in which eight poets from Latvia and Great Britain were translating each other's works. It proved to be very successful and now International Writers and Translators House of Latvia, along with the Latvian Embassy in the United Kingdom, are hosting a poetry reading of the work of Krisjanis Zelgis and Eduards Aivars.
Next year both poets will have poetry collections in English published by Parthian Books.
New Poetry at Collective
Join us for Collective – an evening celebrating poets who have recently published (or are due to publish) a new collection. 7.30pm, Thurs 1 December, The Little Man Coffee Co, Ivor House, Bridge Street, Cardiff CF10 2EE Entertaining, amusing, thought-provoking, and surreal, this event will feature eight fantastic poets, representing six presses, including: MAB JONES (Indigo Dreams Publishing)MARK BLAYNEY (Parthian)TRACEY RHYS (Green Bottle Press)RHYS MILSOM (Accent Press) SUSIE WILD (Parthian)REBECCA PARFITT (Listen Softly London)NATALIE ANN HOLBOROW (Parthian)EMILY BLEWITT (Seren)Don't miss out on this incredible collection of poets! The event is FREE but there will be alcohol, coffee, tea, cake and books available to buy.