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#AuthorInsights, Author's Notes, Hymnal, Julia Bell, LGBTQ, Poetry -

For LGBTQ History Month, Parthian caught up with Julia Bell, whose superb, intriguing 'memoir in verse', Hymnal, will be published in April. A writer and academic, Julia is the author of four novels, the bestselling Creative Writing Coursebook (Macmillan) and the book-length essay Radical Attention (Peninsula Press). Her essays and short stories have been published nationally and internationally including in the TLS, the White Review and the Paris Review and broadcast on the BBC. Her poetry has been longlisted for the National Poetry Competition and the Bridport Prize. She is a Reader in Creative Writing at Birkbeck, University of London....

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Author's Notes, Hey Bert, Interview, Interviews, News, Poems, Poetry, poets, Roberto Pastore, Wales -

Jenny White calls Roberto Pastore 'A sparkling new poetic voice' in the Western Mail today.  We may be biased, but we'd have to agree ;) 'Juggling the mystical and the mundane, Roberto Pastore's first full-length collection of poetry is a thrilling book that begs to be savoured. Bright, vivid memories of people loved and lost, the slipperiness of time and memory, the hope that can be found even in the depths of suffering – it's all there in these beautiful, enigmatic, often incantatory poems.' Pick up a copy of the Western Mail today to read the interview in full. Buy...

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