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#Octoberevents, Authors, Book Launch, Little Universe, Natalie Ann Holborow, Poetry, poets -

  “Everybody sees the world a little differently,” Natalie Ann Holborow said, while introducing us all to her beautiful new collection of poetry Little Universe, journaling the ways she has observed the world around her. From people-watching in a hospital ward, to rediscovering an appreciation for nature during her lockdown walks through Gower, Natalie’s collection is a lovely appreciation for people and places alike. Natalie is a winner of the Terry Hetherington Award and the Robin Reeves Prize, and has been shortlisted and commended for the Bridport Prize, the National Poetry Competition, the Hippocrates Prize for Poetry and Medicine and...

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#AuthorInsights, #Writer'sCorner, Author's Notes, Authors, Philippa Holloway, The Half-life of Snails, Untethered -

We caught up with Philippa Holloway, whose debut short story collection Untethered was published last month, to ask her some questions...     Hi Philippa, and thank you for taking the time to talk to us. What inspired you to write your short story collection Untethered? Each of the stories in this collection is drawn from an observation, a question, or a concern, and the short story form is the perfect space for exploring these. It can be the smallest spark that sets me going – a shoe abandoned on the side of a road, a news story or headline,...

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Christopher Meredith, Ebbw Vale Works Museum, Shifts -

Tredegar-born author, Christopher Meredith, presented a copy of the new edition of his novel Shifts along with a framed print of the cover image to Ebbw Vale Works Museum on Wednesday 11th September. The cover image is taken from a painting in the possession of the Museum. First published in 1988, Shifts, which has been called 'one of the greatest novels ever written about Wales' and 'one of the great working-class works of fiction of the 20th Century', is now republished in Parthian's classic Library of Wales imprint. The novel is set against the background of the shut-down of a...

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#AuthorInsights, #Writer'sCorner, Debuts, Diverse Wales, Fiction, interview, Men Alone, New Releases, Özgür Uyanık, Short Stories -

We caught up with Özgür Uyanık, whose debut short story collection Men Alone was published last month, to ask him some questions...     Hi Öz, and thanks for making the time to talk to us. What inspired you to write Men Alone? Following my father’s death in 2019, I began to think more deeply about his life. One aspect that fascinated me was the hard barrier between his external self and his secretive internal one and so I wanted to explore this way of being. Therefore, each story is about men—at different stages of life—trying to master their existence...

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August marks the celebration of female writers and translators from around the world. So we've put together a list of a couple of recommendations to read for this Women in Translation Month. Travel the world from the comfort of your favourite reading nook! And don't forget all these titles are included in our summer promotion with free postage to anywhere in Europe. Just use code EUROPE at the checkout! 

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